NASCH GALA 7th November 2015

A big congratulations to all our swimmers representing Region 8, particularly the Junior Team who retained their Junior Team Winners Trophy. The senior team lost Aaron Peters to a sickness bug on the morning of the competition. Despite efforts to find a substitute (Stefan had left for football, Chris was busy, Paul Fletcher off the mobile radar)the Mens Relay had to withdraw and Mark Day pulled out all the stops, unselfishly competing in both heats and finals of the 2 and 4 lengths in a very short space of time. Despite the setback and gallantry the team were 3rd in the overall competition (out of 10 regions). We were 1 point away from the Runner Up Trophy and only 4 points away from winning. Full results will appear when we have them but medal and trophy successes were:



Daniel Hodge                     Bronze medal

Natalie Dillon                     Bronze medal

Bethany Kelly                     Silver medal

Cole Lyson                          Silver medal

Leanne Gardner                Silver medal

Drew O’Connor                 Gold medal  (Shared trophy for = first place)

Relay                                   Bronze medals

Team                                     Winners



Ahmed Saidani                  Bronze medal

Sheena Baird                      Silver medal

Lisa Haydon                       Silver medal

Helen Fulleylove               Gold medal (Trophy)

Ladies Relay                       Silver medals


Thank you to all the swimmers, supporters and drivers. Thanks also to Pete Carey and Sheena Baird for timekeeping duties.


Next year’s gala is on the 6th November – another clash with bonfire night.