Kay Clarke Gala Results, Swimmer Speed Rankings and Raffle News

We hope you all enjoyed your gala on Saturday. Well done to everyone who took part. Congratulations to Phil, Daniel H, Gurvinder, Leanne and Matthew on personal bests and double congratulations to Elliot, Drew, William and Quinn who swam two each. Leanne set two meeting records, Phoebe improved both of hers and Matthew put his name on the record sheet by beating the existing record by 10 seconds.
An updated ranking list is attached, along with the gala news.

Kay Clarke Gala Results 2018

Swimmer speed rankings Jan 2018

Thank you to all the helpers and those who donated raffle prizes. The raffle made an excellent £119. We do have two unclaimed raffle prizes. The white bear is white ticket 340 and the dolls are yellow ticket 57. We think the tickets were sold on the day, as there is no name on the back. (photos below) If you know who the lucky winners are, please let Marie know.