News From 19th April 2024

19th April was distance challenge week and some swimmers swam new best distances.

Congratulations to 

Braiden Hooper    100m Badge and certificate

Shane Clark              50m certificate

Faith Bevan             300m certificate

Daisy Brookes        800m certificate and 1,900m hour swim certificate

Lucas Brookes      1000m certificate and 1,250m hour swim certificate

Beth Evans             1.050m cetificate 

Josh Bailey             2,350m certificate 

Well done Amos McGrattan for completing your D of E Physical Challenge.

If Josh had got in on time he would have beaten his 2,500m hour swim record.

Below is the entry form for the Kay Clarke Swimming Gala, on Saturday 28th September 2024, 4.15pm to 7.30pm. The Entry fee is £3.00 per swimmer, to be paid with the completed entry form please. Entry forms to be returned to Sheila as soon as possible please.