Update 1st September 2020.

Following discussions with the leisure centre management, to discuss if our club will be able to reopen, whilst adhering to social distancing measures and keeping our members, volunteers and staff safe, it has been agreed that when the leisure centre next review and update their timetable, there will be a 50 minute swim  (main pool only) from 6pm on a Friday evening for disabled swimmers. This will be an individual lane swim, similar to the public arrangements with only 3 lanes being used. Swimmers need to be able to swim continuously for several lengths and preferably for the duration of their swim. For the latest information on changing and showers please refer to the Everyone Active website.Please keep checking the website for the latest updates. We do hope to be able to welcome all swimmers back soon.


Thank you.

24th August 2020.

We have had a few enquiries as to when our club will be open to members again. We just wanted to let you know that we have seen your queries and an update on the club situation will be coming soon. Individuals can book lane swimming on the everyone active website



We have received this letter from NASCH with their latest news update.

Dear Secretary,

As you will appreciate, with swimming pools closed due to the pandemic, none of our Clubs have been operating since lockdown in March.  Nobody has been able to swim and It does not appear that the pools will be open any time soon.  This is very disappointing for us all, especially the swimmers.

The NASCH Committee have discussed the situation and have decided that there would be no time for our swimmers to get ready to take part in Club or Regional selection for our Championship Gala, even when the pools reopen.  They have, therefore, with regret, decided not to hold the Championship Gala this year.

We have, therefore, written to cancel our booking at Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre on 7th November 2020.

We are, however, booking the pool for Saturday, 6thNovember 2021 when hopefully our NASCH Championships will take place in 2021.   Whilst writing I can let you know that Woodlarks Camp has been booked for Saturday 22nd to 29th May 2021.  We hope to see you at both events.


Best wishes,

Rosemary O’Leary

NASCH Administrator


News From 20th March 2020

All swimmers completed a long swim for their last session before the pool is closed indefinitely. Josh, Daniel and Aidan swam for the whole hour.
The following managed to claim a certificate along the way
Emily Robbins passed 400m during her swim for a badge and certificate
Chloe Lawrence completed 40 lengths for a 1000m certificate
Daniel Hodge swam 1,150m in the one hour session for a certificate.
All gyms and leisure centres will be closed from tomorrow. All our members are encouraged to keep fit by walking or jogging until the centre reopens.

COVID-19 Coronovirus

COVID-19 (Coronovirus)
Following advice from several sources it is considered safe to use public pools. However, it is very important to follow the guidelines regarding social contact and contact with surfaces. This is particularly relevant for those who do not go in the water. It is advisable to use a gel after passing through changing rooms and after leaving the building.
Unless there is a further update there will be a session on Friday 20th as usual.

News From 13th March 2020

Congratulations to Oliver Ingram on completion of his Bronze Challenge.

News From 6th March 2020

Congratulations to Alex Peckover who was awarded a Good Work certificate on 6th March 2020. Josh Bailey and Matthew Sloan completed their Bronze Challenge – well done!


Bedworth Lions Club presented us with a cheque for £200 to help with training for our volunteers. We are very grateful for this as we have an expensive schedule for teacher training. The Lions Club have promised continued support with this.


The Rotary Games at Rugby take place on 3rd May.Entry forms should appear on Rugby Sports Association for the Disabled website in due course.  Note that May Day is on Friday 8th this year. The gala is normally in the afternoon.


Reading the attached newspaper cutting, our club was definitely running in 1976. Alan Hall took over from Dr Singh and so its beginning was earlier. I have searched for information on this previously but can’t find anything more. I think we should plan for a 50th anniverary in 2025 if nothing else comes to light.


Warwickshire Parent Carer Forum

Please see poster below for details.

Birmingham Marlins Para Swimming Club

Birmingham Marlins Para Swimming Club officially launched on 1st March 2020. The Orion (Orange) Squad no longer functions and members have transferred to the new club. Their website is   birmingham-marlins.co.uk if anyone is interested.


News From 28th February 2020

The following swimmers completed their Bronze Challenge Awards on 28th February:
Seth Naylor
Chloe Lawrence
Elliot Morrison
Gurvinder Garcha
Congratulations to all.
A member of Bedworth Lions Club will be visiting next week, following our request for help with training for volunteers.