NASCH Gala 3rd November 2018

There were some superb performances at Leamington in the NASCH gala. As usual, the best missed out on medals by swimming amazing pbs. Trophies were won by Daisy Brookes and Elliot Morrison, both in their first NASCH finals. There were silver medals for Phoebe Tully, Sonia Kelly (2), and Daniel Hodge. Heidi Garcha won a bronze. In the relays Daniel, Elliot and Phil King won silver medals and Sonia, Heidi and Sheena Baird won bronze. The team finished in 3rd place overall. Very well done everyone and thank you to all the parents and helpers who supported the team.

News from 2nd November 2018

On 2nd November Quinn Woollaston and sister Esme both swam 400m for a badge and certificate. James Davies swam 175m in a 10 minute stamina swim. Daisy Brookes was presented with her club T shirt. Congratulations to all.
Our team travel to Leaminton tomorrow to represent Region 8 in the NASCH Finals Gala. The team is
Junior Boys   William Newton, Matthew Sloan, Aidan Tully
Junior Girls   Daisy Brookes, Phoebe Tully
Senior Men   Daniel Hodge, Phil King, Elliot Morrison
Senior Ladies   Heidi Garcha, Sonia Kelly, Sheena Baird
Good luck everyone!

Bristol Inclusive Gala Results 2018

Congratulations to William Newton on a brilliant set of results from the Bristol Inclusive Gala on 20th October.
Good luck to our NASCH Finals team this Saturday at Leamington.

Para Swimming Talent ID Day

This is on the Orion website.

Kay Clarke Memorial Gala, Bedworth, 17th November 2018

The Kay Clarke Memorial Gala will be held on Saturday 17th November 2018, at Bedworth Leisure Centre. Changing and report will be from 5.30pm, with the gala starting at 6pm until 8pm. The closing date for entries is 10th November 2018 and the entry fee is £3 per swimmer. We will be holding a raffle at the gala, with the proceeds going to club funds, so any donations of raffle prizes or if you are able to sell any raffle tickets for us, it would be very much appreciated. Please see below for the gala flyer, Bedworth swimmers entry form and the club entry form.

Kay Clarke FLYER

Swimmer’s entry 2018

Clubs Entry form 2018

NASCH Trophies

Please could the following swimmers please return their clean NASCH Gala trophies:


Phoebe Tully    2 lengths

Sheena Baird   2 lengths

Leanne Gardner 4 lengths

Sonia Kelly       4 lengths

Gurvinder Garcha   1 length

Overall runners up   (Founders Trophy)  Matthew Sloan

Thank you.


News from 28th September 2018

On 28th September many of the junior swimmers completed 25m timed swims. The following set personal bests in at least one stroke:
Ben Allinson, Daisy Brookes, James Davies, Gurvinder Garcha, Emily Robbins, Aidan Tully, Phoebe Tully, Kyle Wagstaff, Esme Woollaston and Quinn Woollaston.
Samuel Dodge was awarded a Good Work certificate for progress.
The provisional date for our gala at Bedworth is Saturday 17th November 6pm until 8pm.

NASCH Policies

The NASCH Committee held a meeting yesterday where, amongst other matters being discussed, the NASCH Policies were looked at again to make sure they are still up to date and relevant.

The Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy and Guidelines did not need any changes.

Some minor amendments were made to the Anti-Bullying Policy and the Equal Opportunities Policy but they remain substantially the same.

Copies of the three policies are attached.




A copy of the constitution and policies for Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club can be seen below

2014 Constitution

News from 21st September 2018

Congratulations to Summer-rae Belford who swam 5m for her badge and certificate.
The juniors tried their 10 minute stamina test and the following swimmers successfully set new best distances:
Quinn and Esme Woollaston  175m
Elliot Morrison     300m
William Newton   425m
Well done to all and also those who equalled their best or were very close.

Bristol Open Level Swimming Gala 20th October 2018

Please find below the flyer and entry form for the Swift Inclusive Swimming Gala in Bristol on 20th October 2018 from 3pm to 7.30pm, if  anyone would like to enter. The closing date for entries is 8th October 2018. If anyone needs theirs entry times, ask on a Friday evening, or text/email Sheila.

Swift Swimming Gala Flyer 2018 V4 FINAL

Swift Swimming Gala Entry Form 2018 V1MR