Tamworth Gala 17th May 2014

Please find below entry forms for the Tamworth Gala at ‘The Peaks Leisure Centre’ on Saturday,17th May, 2014  (report time 5.15pm—5.30pm—finish time 8.00pm).

Completed forms to Sheila by Friday, 4th April. No late entries.

Swimmer’s entry (Word)

Swimmer’s entry (PDF)


No Swim on 21/02/14

There will be no swimming on Friday 21st February 2014, as Foxford School is closed for half term. Please check the website for details about 28th February.

Swimming at Foxford

There will be a swim at Foxford School this Friday 14th February, 6pm-7pm. The changing rooms will be the same as last week, with the ladies in the ladies and the men in the men’s changing room.

The following week on Friday 21st February, there will be no swim, as the pool will be closed for half term.

Please check the website again for details about Friday 28th February.

Swimming arrangements at Foxford School on 07/02/14

There will be a swim at Foxford School on Friday 7th February, at the usual time of 6pm-7pm. Daniel and Megan will be lifeguarding. The changing will not need to be reversed and so it will be possible to change before 6.00pm.

Swimming at Foxford School

Just to let everyone know, there will be a swimming session at Foxford School, this Friday, 31st January at the usual time of 6pm-7pm.

Foxford Swimming

Thanks to everyone who helped out at our first swim at Foxford School on 17th January.

Swimming will be at Foxford again on 24th January.

Please would the ladies use the mens changing room and the men the ladies.

 31st January – please check website for information

There will be no swim on Friday 21st February as it is half term and the school will be closed.


Alternative Swimming arrangements

We have managed to arrange an alternative swimming venue, while the roof at Bedworth is being replaced. The swim will take place at Foxford School at our usual time of Friday night, 6pm-7pm, starting on Friday 17th January. We are asking members to pay £2 each, towards the pool hire each week.

Foxford School is in Grange Road, Longford. Postcode CV6 6BB

Directions:From Bedworth Leisure Centre continue along Coventry Road – throught the lights at Bayton Road, then turn left down Blackhorse Road. The road turns right at a mini roundabout and continues to another mini roundabout and into Grange Road.

Apologies for the short notice, but we will do our best to let all of our members know.


Latest News on Alternative Swimming Venue

Latest on swimming venue(received 10/01/14):

Reply from Foxford  School

Hi Sheila,

If you are lifeguarding this yourselves then we can hire the pool out to you on Fridays from 6-7pm for the period you need.   Hire of the pool will be £50 per hour.  I am just trying to make contact with one of our site managers who usually deals with the pool / lessons etc to check all is ok, his name is Ryan and he is the best one for you to speak with.  I would be the one who invoices you and takes payment.  I look forward to further correspondence with you.

Foxford School is in Grange Road, Longford. Postcode CV6 6BB


From Bedworth Leisure Centre continue along Coventry Road – throught the lights at Bayton Road, then turn left down Blackhorse Road. The road turns right at a mini roundabout and continues to another mini roundabout and into Grange Road.

If enough swimmers are interested we have enough trained lifeguards (Sheila, Sheena and new helper Megan). We would probably need to charge £2 for each member to reduce the cost to the club.

Maybe we should swim alternate weeks?


Would you want to swim?

Would you be prepared to pay a small fee for each session?


Alternative Swimming Venue

We have been making enquires regarding an alternative swimming venue for our club sessions, while the pool at Bedworth is closed.

Sheila has received the following replies:

Lyng Hall

Good Afternoon,

Apologies for the delay in responding.  Unfortunately our pool is in constant use during the evening with the City of Coventry Training Club.  They have just arranged a new session on a Friday evening, as up to Christmas the pool was not used at this time.

I am sorry that I have not been able to help you on this occasion.


Hinckley Leisure Centre

Hello Sheila,

The best time we could do to match what you’re doing would be 7.30pm – 8.30pm on a Friday evening? That would be in our Aqua pool which is 12m x 12m with a moveable floor. Alternatively if you wanted the main pool we would have to look at a Saturday evening between 5pm and 10pm.

I have asked for details of hire fees for the Hinckley Sessions.

We will keep everyone updated.


News from 3rd January 2014

Happy New Year and welcome back to all of our members.

Well done to William Newton, who swam 5 metres for a badge and certificate on 3rd January 2014.