Latest News July/August 2011

  • Simon Godfrey and Amina Malik were presented with “Thank You” certificates on 29th July. Followed by cake for all !
  • Joshua McFarland was awarded his 25m badge and certificate on 5th August 2011.
  • Kieran McFarland was awarded his 10m badge and certificate on 12th August 2011.

July 2011 News

  • A new volunteer has joined us and has already got some of the younger swimmers working hard. Navraj Johal (we can call him Nav) started a volunteer placement on 15th July.
  • Barbara Lanwarne is grandma again to 8lb 3oz Polly – Chris is uncle of course, congratulations!
  • Gurvinder is back after his recent stay in hospital and trip to India. Good to see James Askew too.



Thank You to Simon and Amina

The club would like to say a huge thank you to Simon and Amina, who are sadly be leaving the club. They have both been valuable members of the club and we really appreciate all of their hard work. There will be a presentation held on Friday 29th July, after the club session. It would be great if you could join us there to, help us thank them both!

Well done Mark!

Well done to Mark Day who completed 400 metres, for his badge and certificate, on 8th July 2011.

Well done to Ashley and James

On Friday 17th June

  • Ashley Campbell-Barker completed 294 metres, in a 10 minute timed swim, improving by no less than 119 metres!
  • James Watson achieved a certificate for pre-swimming skills.

Well done to both of you!

Nuneaton Carnival 2011

Huge thanks to everyone who helped out on the stall, donated prizes, or came along and supported us at the Nuneaton Carnival on 12th June 2011. It was the wettest Carnival for 30 years but we still managed to raise just under £75.00, which considering the weather was fantastic.  Photographs and information about the day can be found at A blog post about our stall can be found at


Many thanks again for your support, it is very much appreciated!



Well done Martelle!

Well done to Martelle Swinton who swam 25 metres for her badge and certificate on 20th May 2011.

Grand National Sweepstake Winners

Congratulations to Daniel Hodge and his mum Julie, who are the winners of our Grand National Sweepstake Draw. Many thanks to everyone who entered the competition, we raised a total of £20 for club funds.  Apologies for the delay in posting the result on the website.

Arrangements During The Easter Holidays

The pool will be closed on Friday 22nd April 2011 (Good Friday) and also the following week on 29th April 2011 (due to the Royal Wedding). Therefore there will be no swimming for 2 weeks.  The next club session will be on Friday 6th May 2011 at 6pm.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Tamworth Gala 21st May 2011

The following swimmers have been entered for the Tamworth Gala on 21st May.

Marie Clarke

Sheena Baird

Emma Wilson

Jane Sharpe

James Askew

Christopher Lanwarne

Mark Day

Thomas Slater

Ashley Campbell-Barker

Gurvinder Garcha

Daniel Hodge

Gurvinder’s grandfather, Colin, has offered to help with transport from Bedworth Pool.

If anyone needs a lift please arrange to be at Bedworth Pool for 4.30pm.