New Activities At Everyone Active

Everyone Active have some new activities on their timetable, which are designed to be inclusive for all.


There is a Boccia and New Age Kurling class, every Monday from 25th April, at Bedworth Leisure Centre, 1.30pm to 3pm and every Friday at the Pingles Leisure Centre, 2pm to 3.30pm. Both classes are £2 each person. Please see poster for details.

From Tuesday 26th April, there is a new seated exercise class, designed for anyone who hasn’t taken part in physical activity for a prolonged period of time, or even at all. It’s at Bedworth Leisure Centre, every Tuesday from 11am to 11.45 am, £2 per person. Please see the poster for further information.






News From 8th April 2022

Congratulations to Daniel Harrison, who swam 10m for his badge and certificate on 8th April. It will be presented after the Easter break.
Whilst helping to record a set of 25m times for new member Matthew Lewis, the following swimmers recorded time trial personal bests:
Aidan Tully         Butterfly, 47.42
Seth Naylor        Freestyle, 25.34  Backstroke, 29.64  Butterfly, 41.70
William Newton Breaststroke, 26.54   Butterfly,  21.25
Chloe Lawrence Freestyle 31.32  Butterfly, 49.41
Dan Hodge          Backstroke, 40.67, Breaststroke, 49.64
Well done, everyone.
No swim next week (Good Friday)

News From 01/04/22 and no swim on Good Friday

Congratulations to Seth Naylor who completed his National Plan Stage 4 on 1st April 2022. William Newton posted a best time for 25m butterfly. Well done, William.
The pool will be closing early on Good Friday (15th April) and so there will be NO SESSION.

Kooth – online support for 18 to 25 year olds.

We have been given the details of a website, which offers support to 18 to 25 year olds, with their health and wellbeing. For more information, please visit


News From 18th March 2022

Well done to Daniel Hodge (25m) and William Newton (100m) on setting new freestyle times after their training on Friday. It is really good to see a busy small pool again after the winter.

News From 11th March 2022

Congratulations to Daniel Harrison and his sister, Hope on completing their National Plan Stage 1.
Car drivers should be aware of the new parking arrangements in force from 1sr April. Leisure Centre parking is still free for 3 hours, after 6.00pm and at weekends but a ticket is required at all times.

News From 4th March 2022

Well done to Seth Naylor, Josh Bailey and William Newton who all improved their backstroke 25m times after a drills session on 4th March. Keep working swimmers!

News From 25th February 2022

Congratulations to Marsha Marshall who completed National Plan Stage 3 on 25th February.  Marsha was presented with her club t-shirt for regular attendance. Well done also to Kian Sayers who completed National Plan Stage 1.

Fundraising News.

Many thanks to Helen and Zoe, who have had two cash wins on The Borough Lottery this year and very kindly donated their £50 winnings back to club funds.

For the last quarter of 2021, £47.13 was raised for club funds, through Easyfundraising, making the grand total raised so far to an amazing £1,109.23. Thank you!

News From 18th February 2022

Congratulations to Kian Sayers who swam 5m for his badge and certificate on 18th February 2022.