Final Programme and Relay Teams For Kay Clarke Gala 2019

Here’s the latest programme and relay team list for The Kay Clarke Gala on 12th October 2019

Programme with entry times 2019

Programme 2019

Relay teams 2019

News From 4th October 2019

Congratulations to Stevie Lawrence who celebrated getting his club T shirt for regular attendance by completing his Stage 1 Award. Summer-rae Belford completed 25m for her badge and certificate. Adam Gardner passed his NASCH 2 badge test. Well done to all!
Reminder that changing is at 4.15pm on Saturday 12th October for the Kay Clarke Gala. Relay teams have been finalised and will be posted later along with an updated programme. Raffle tickets will be on sale on poolside on Friday night and at the door on Saturday.

Kay Clarke Gala Programme 12th October 2019

Attached is a copy of the programme as it stands for the Kay Clarke Gala, although more entries are very welcome, especially from our club. Please check your own entries and make sure that you have the date and time in your diary –  4.15pm on Saturday 12th October at Bedworth Pool. Thank you to those who have donated raffle prizes, again more welcome.

Programme 2019

Tamworth Gala Information

A hard copy of the programme for Tamwoth has been received and our race schedule is attached Two formats). There should be updates to Phil – there was an entry in the wrong event and also Christine and Oliver who have improved times submitted and so may move.

Race list 2019

Race list 2019




Updated Swimmer Speed Rankings September 2019

Here are the latest swimmer speed rankings from September 2019.

Swimmer speed rankings Sept 2019

Main Pool Gala Results From 27th September 2019

Here are the results of the Main Pool Swimming Gala from 27th September 2019. Well done to all swimmers.

Main Pool Result 2019

Bromsgrove Lions Club Inclusive Swimming Event

Please see the poster below for details of the Bromsgrove Lions Club Inclusive Swimming Event on Saturday 5th October, from 5.30pm. The closing date for entries is 3rd October.



We will be holding a raffle at our gala on 12th October. If anyone has any raffle prizes they would like to donate, it would be very much appreciated. All proceeds will go to club funds. Thank you!

Small Pool Gala Results from 20th September 2019

Small pool sprint results

Well done to the 4 medallists.

We are really sorry to report that Stefan McFeely passed away on 2nd September, aged 20. Sending our condolences to Stefan’s family from everyone at the swimming club.