News from 13th September 2019

Congratulations to William Newton who swam 455m in a 10 minute stamina test for a new certificate.

Thank you to Shirley and Daisy Brookes for a kind donation to club funds.


News From 6th September 2019

Congratulations to Emily Robbins who completed her 5 miles Adult Swimming Certificate on 6th September.

News From 30th August 2019

Congratulations to Daniel Hodge who has reached 5 miles in Adult Swim Awards.

Entries are about to close for the Tamworth Gala. Please let me know asap if you want to go (Sheila 07984 590259)

Gala Invitation 12th October 2019

Invitation to all swimmers with a disability, to our sprint gala on 12th October 2019.

News From 9th August 2019

Congratulations to Youssef Woodiwiss who was presented with his club T shirt on 9th August.

Thank you to Sally-Anne Tully for taking charge of last week’s session when I was on hoilday (lovely weather in Scotland!).

If anyone can display a poster for our gala in a suitable place,  a flyer is attached.

Lauren Rumble will be starting next week as a helper.

Kay Clarke FLYER. 2019docx

News From 19th July 2019

Congratulations to Oliver Ingram who passed his Personal Survival Level 1 test on 19th July.


Entry forms are here for our gala on 12th October and Tamworth on the 19th October



News From 12th July 2019

Congratulations to James Davies, Aidan Tully, Matthew Sloan and Elliot Morrison who passed their Personal Survival Level 1 test on 12th July 2019. More tests next week.
Josh Bailey and William Newton completed 80 lengths in a Distance Challenge, both gaining a 2000m certificate. Well done!
Josh Bailey and James Davies were presented with their club T shirts for regular attendance.

News From 5th July 2019

Congratulations to Phoebe Tully, Josh Bailey and William Newton who all passed their Personal Survival Level 1 test on 5th July. Further tests next week.

We have been invited to Tamworth Gala on 19th October,  the week after our Kay Clarke Gala at Bedworth.
27th September is the provisional date for the club sprint championships.
We have been told that Gurvinder Garcha is in hospital – all our best wishes for a speedy recovery, Gurvinder.

News From 21st June 2019

Congratulations to Quinn Woollaston and Josh Bailey who successfully beat their 10 minute stamina swim bests with 225m for Quinn and 435m for Josh. William Newton equalled his best of 450m.
Well done also to Phoebe Tully who completed an open water triathlon in heavy rain last weekend.
William, Phoebe, Josh, Gurvinder,Elliot, James, Kyle, Aidan,Oliver, Matthew, Quinn and Esme have been practising their personal survival and need to bring some clothing to their next swim as a last part of preparation for their test.

Well done William!

Congratulations to William Newton who won 4 races at Enfield on 2nd June, swimming for Orion.