News from 13th April 2018

Congratulations to Matthew Sloan who swam 33 lengths (825m) in one hour, improving on his previous best by 25m.

Tamworth Gala 19th May 2018

Reminder that late entries are being accepted for Tamworth Gala. Events are 25m Freestyle, 25m Backstroke, 25m Breaststroke and 50m Freestyle (limit 3 individual events). The gala is at Tamworth Snowdome Pool on 19th May at 6.00pm. The entry fee this year is only £1 per competitor. Please tell Sheila if you would like to swim. Thank you.

News from 23rd March 2018

Congratulations to William Sherwood on completion of his National Plan Stage 1. In the main pool Quinn Woollaston and Oliver Ingram swam 100m for a badge and certificate. Matthew Sloan swam 800m for his latest award.

We are very pleased to report that Matthew won the Personality of the year award for 2017 at the Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum annual awards ceremony. This is the award that William Newton won last year.


Please remember that the pool closes at 6pm on Good Friday and so the next club session will be on Friday 6th April

News from 16th March 2018

Congratulations to Ben Allinson who completed his National Plan Stage 2 and to Aidan Tully who completed his Water Skills Level 5 on 16th March 2018.

There will be no club session on Good Friday, 30th March as the pool will be closing at 6.00pm.

News from 9th March 2018

Congratulations to Ben Allinson who swam 10m for his badge and certificate on 9th March.

News from 2nd March 2018

Congratulations to William Newton who swam 390m in a 10 minute stamina swim for a new certificate. Thank you to Phoebe Tully for swimming with William to give him competition.

Snow Update 2nd March 2018

At present (1.30pm on 2nd March 2018), according to the Bedworth Leisure Centre website, they are still open until 10pm. Therefore Sheila and Pete will be there tonight if anyone wants to go for a swim. If the weather changes, we will check again and update you.

News from 23rd February 2018

Congratulations to Summer-rae Belford who completed Stage 2 of the National Plan for Swimming and to Oliver Ingram who completed Level 4 – both on 23rd February 2018.
Thank you very much to Marie Clarke for donating a wheelchair to the club to replace the one that disappeared. The wheelchair is in the First Aid Room if anyone needs to use it (see photos attached for identification). The Duty Manager has said that he will send an e-mail round to staff to let them know that it is there and what it is for.


News from 16th February 2018

Congratualtions to Ben Allinson who has completed his National Plan Stage 1 and to Elliot Morrison who has completed Stage 4.

News from 9th February 2018

Congratulations to Keelan Marshall on gaining a certificate for his 10 minute stamina swim, completing 325m.

Matthew Sloan has completed his National Plan Stage 4.