News from 15th December 2017

Congratulations to Quinn Woollaston on swimming 50m for his badge and certificate on 15th December.
Reminder to all that the Christmas Party and Presentation is after swimming on 22nd. Please bring a plate of food.

News from 8th December 2017

Congratulations to Daniel Hodge who completed his Water Skills Level 5 Award on 8th December 2017.

News from 1st December 2017

William Newton, Phoebe Tully and Matthew Sloan all completed a Water Skills 5 Award on 1st December 2017. Well done!

The Colin Bunn Trophy and the Kevin Whitmore Trophy are required for engraving ready for the club presentation and party evening.

NASCH Gala Results 2017

The NASCH Gala Results have arrived. They have only sent Region 8 times, not the full results or even places. However, times are what most swimmers want. Please see PDF attachment below. Well done to all swimmers.

2017 Results NASCH

Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club Raffle

Attached is a list of prizes for the raffle, which is being drawn at The Kay Clarke Swimming Gala on Saturday 13th January 2018. Tickles are 20p each (£1 for a strip of 5). All proceeds will go to Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club funds. If anyone is able to sell a few tickets for us, books will be available at the poolside on Friday. Thank you!

Raffle Prizes 2017

Kay Clarke Gala Rescheduled and Congratulations!

The Kay Clarke Memorial Gala and Raffle has been rescheduled for Saturday 13th January 2018 at 4.30pm. Raffle tickets are on sale now.

Congratulations to Helen Fulleylove on gaining her first class honours degree from everyone at the club.

Pools Now Open

Both pools at Bedworth Leisure Centre are now fully open, including the showers. See you tomorrow! (24th November 2017)

Bedworth Pool Update

Both pools remain closed today (Monday 20th November 2017).


There are no results yet for the NASCH Gala.

I will be sending round an availability form to find out when the best Saturday would be for the rearranged gala.


Kay Clarke Memorial Gala Postponed

Unfortunately, due to a problem with the fresh water supply at Bedworth Pool, the pool is closed and the Kay Clarke Memorial Gala has had to be postponed. We are really sorry to let you know at such short notice, we rarely have problems with pool availability. The gala will be rescheduled and we will let you know as soon as we have the details. Apologies again and thank you for your understanding.