Kay Clarke Memorial Gala Update

Due to a problem with the water quality in the pool, we are not sure if the Kay Clarke Swimming Gala can go ahead. The Leisure Centre are awaiting test results from Severn Trent, which they will have by 8am tomorrow morning. Bedworth Leisure Centre has live updates on their website and we will keep you updated on our website too, as soon as we have any news. Apologies for the inconvenience.

News from 10th November 2017 and Gala Update

Congratulations to Matthew Sloan who swam 220m to be awarded new certificate for his 10 minute timed swim.

Thank you to everyone who has donated or promised raffle prizes. We will have a selection of good prizes so now we need everyone to buy lots of tickets!

Some of the trophies have been returned very quickly for engraving. Daniel (Lions Club), Helen (Colin Bunn), Jarvis (Kevin Whitmore), Leanne (NASCH) and Gurvinder (NASCH) – please could you return yours too.

Good luck to all 17 of our swimmers who have entered the gala next week. There are A and B Mixed Junior teams and a Senior/Masters Mens Team. Unfortunately there are not enough ladies to make a complete team and so the plan is to swim a non-competitive team with Bingham Penguins who have two young ladies who are very keen to swim. I hope that is OK with all. Relay declaration sheet and latest programme attached.

Programme 2017

Relay teams 2017


Kay Clarke Memorial Gala Programme for 18th November 2017

Here’s the programme for the Kay Clarke Memorial Gala for next Saturday the 18th November 2017.

Programme 2017



We are hoping to hold a raffle at the Kay Clarke Swimming Gala on 18th November. We currently have a few prizes, which have kindly been donated, but in order for the raffle to go ahead, we will need some more prizes. Does anyone have anything that they would like to donate please? All proceeds will go to swimming club funds. If we do not have enough prizes to hold the raffle at the gala, we will hopefully be able to hold the raffle at the Christmas party on 22nd December instead, if that is okay with everyone. Thank you!

NASCH Gala 2017

Congratulations to all our NASCH team swimmers. For the first time ever we had a complete team who finished in second place overall taking the Runners Up trophy. Individual trophies were won by Phoebe Tully, Leanne Gardner, Sonia Kelly, Sheena Baird and Gurvinder Garcha.We also had a few medals and a sprinkle of speeding tickets. This is a record in terms of the number of trophies. I will be collecting them in for engraving before our presentation and party night. Bring them along on any Friday along with the club trophies that are due for return.

News from 3rd November 2017

Congratulations to Quinn Woollaston who swam 25m for his badge and certificate on 3rd November. Well done!

Christmas Party 2017

Our Christmas Party and Presentation Evening will be taking place on Friday 22nd December 2017, in the café, after the usual club session. Could we ask you to please bring a plate of food or non alcoholic drink for everyone to share please.



Good luck to everyone on our team, who are taking part in the NASCH Gala in Leamington Spa on Saturday.

NASCH Gala Team List for 4th November 2017

Please see below the team list for the NASCH  Gala in Leamington Spa on 4th November 2017.

NASCH Gala 2017 Team list

Tamworth Gala Results 2017

Here are our results from the Tamworth Gala 2017. Congratulations to all the swimmers (and helpers) on our team.  The team won at least two medals each and many won the maximum of 4 medals. Phoebe gets a special mention for swimming super fast and gettting a speeding ticket!

Results 2017

Results 2017