News from 24th February 2017

Congratulations to Phil King on his new 10 minute test pb recording 262.5 metres.

Coventry Half Marathon 2017 – Fundraising for Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club.

Sally-Anne Tully will be running in the Coventry Half Marathon, on Sunday 19th March 2017, on behalf of Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club. If anyone would like to sponsor Sally, or collect sponsorship on her behalf, you can download a copy of the sponsor form below. There is also a copy of the sponsor form on the noticeboard on poolside, or of course you can speak to Sally directly. Good luck Sally!

News from 17th February 2017

Congratulations to Nathan Peron who can now swim unaided and gets a certificate to prove it. Daniel Fulleylove completed his National Plan Stage 4. Well done, Daniel.

News from 10th February 2017

Congratulations to the following swimmers who gained awards on 10th February:

Leanne Gardner completed her National Plan Stage 8 and also improved her 10 minute stamina test to 263m. Phil King swam 244m for his certificate and Aidan Tully equalled his best of 200m.

News from 3rd February 2017

Congratulations to Jarvis Belford who swam 200m for his badge and certificate on 3rd February. 


Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2016

Many thanks to everyone who placed an order with the Webb Ivory 2016 Christmas Catalogue. A fantastic £67.63 was raised for club funds.

Webb Ivory are not issuing a Spring/Summer Catalogue and are not accepting any more orders at this time. We will keep you updated with any further news.

News from 27th January 2017

Congratulations to Aidan Tully and Gurvinder Garcha who completed distance awards on 27th January. Aidan swam 800m and Gurvinder swam 1000m.

EasyFundraising and Raffle News

Between July to September 2016. a total of £20.38 was raised for club funds, through EasyFundraising. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to raise this.

The raffle that was held during the Christmas party has raised £24.40 for club funds. Thank you!

News from 5th January 2017

Congratulations to Phoebe Tully on swimming 1000m for her certificate and also to Joshua Clarke who has completed his National Plan Stage 1. Well done for claiming the first awards of 2017.



News from 23rd December 2016

As it was a quiet session on 23rd December, there was an opportunity for swimmers to tackle longer distances with a lane to themselves. Daniel Hodge swam 800m for his badge and certificate and then went on to complete 1000m for his special certificate. Daniel Fulleylove completed his National Plan Stage 3 and then swam 50m for his badge and certificate,  while his older brother Ryan was swimming for his 1Mile badge with William Newton. Congratulations to all four swimmers.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.