NASCH Finals Gala, Leamington, 5th November 2016, Region 8 Results

Here are the Region 8 results for the NASCH Finals Gala held in Leamington on 5th November 2016. Well done everyone!


Junior Gala
Lara Kaiser 25m 34.25 3rd
Jamie Kilner 25m 36.56 6th (repositioned as swam superfast)
Lara Kaiser 50m 2.05.00 2nd
George Allen 50m   57.06 2nd
Phoebe Tully 100m 2.36.63 3rd  (repositioned as swam superfast)
William Newton 100m 2.35.38 6th (repositioned as swam superfast)
Aidan Tully

Phoebe Tully

William Newton

3 x 25m


1.52.69 1st         (Trophy)
Senior Gala
Sorcha Cannon 25m 40.31 6th (repositioned as swam superfast)
Daniel Hodge

Swam for Laurence who arrived a bit later

25m 53.31 DQ – no reason given
Sonia Kelly 50m 57.00 1st      (Trophy)
Daniel Hodge


50m H 1.22.57

F 1.08.00

1st in heat

6th in final (repositioned as swam superfast)

Helen Fulleylove 100m 2.03.00 1st        (Trophy)
Ahmed Saidani 100m H 3.13.81

F 3.05.93

1st in heat

6th in final (repositioned as swam superfast)

Sonia Kelly

Helen Fulleylove

Sheena Baird



1.25.81 1st       (Trophy missing)
Daniel Hodge

Ahmed Saidani

Laurence Walwyn



2.09.00 DQ – no reason given


Well done all!



News From 18th November 2016

The small pool club gala will be held next Friday (25th).

Congratulations to the following:

William Newton   1000m certificate

Aidan Tully          400m badge and certificate

Leanne Gardner    National Plan Stage 6

James Mumford    National Plan Stage 1

Wayne Southall     National Plan Stage 1

Daniel Fulleylove  National Plan Stage 1

News from 11th November 2016

Congratulations to Jarvis Belford (100m) and Phoebe Tully (800m) on their latest badges and certificates.

Please could all trophies from the NASCH gala and the annual trophies for the presentation evening be returned to Sheila for engraving.

This is a last reminder for entries for our gala on 3rd December.

Kay Clarke Invitation Gala Update

Gala update

There is a low entry for our gala this year as three teams have their presentation evenings on the 3rd December. However, we have entries from two teams with a third on the way. This makes four teams with Bedworth and so we decided to go ahead with the gala to give all these swimmers a competition.

Our own team is growing but we need lots more swimmers please. It is an easy gala – one length races!!

Our team at 7th November is attached.



NASCH Gala Leamington 2016

There are good results from the NASCH Finals gala. We brought home 4 trophies (one more than last year). We won the junior relay (Aidan, Phoebe and William), the ladies relay (Sonia, Helen and Sheena), plus Sonia 2 lengths and Helen 4 lengths. There were massive personal bests from William and Ahmed who won their races, but unfortunately they were so fast they were repositioned.  Daniel was a superstar and swam in the one length as well as his own when the Leamington swimmer was a bit late arriving but he too was deemed to be too fast. Phoebe a won bronze medal in the girls 4 lengths. Region 8 (Bedworth and Leamington Dolphins) finished 3rd in the junior gala, 3rd in the senior gala and 3rd overall. Well done swimmers.

News from 4th November 2016

Leanne Gardner swam 800m for her badge and certificate on 4th November 2016. Well done, Leanne!

Entries are now required for our sprint gala on 3rd December (1 length races). Let Sheila know if you want to swim. Entry forms with Barbara on poolside.

Latest News

The Christmas Party date has been booked for 16th December.

Rebecca has had an accident and cannot swim on Saturday.  Thank you to Helen for agreeing to swim in her place. We hope that you are back on your feet soon Beccy.


News from 28th October 2016

The juniors continue to work hard on the National Plan. Thomas Wilson completed Stage 1 and Jarvis Belford completed Stage 5 on 28th October.Congratulations to both swimmers.

Latest News

Congratulations to Andrea Tudor on completing 10m for her badge and certificate. William Newton has completed his National Plan Stage 6. Well done, William.

The NASCH Gala is getting nearer. Please could all trophy holders from last year’s event please make sure that trophies are cleaned and returned before next week.  Sorcha Cannon  from Leamington is not able to swim the Ladies’ Relay  (but is still in the 1 length) and so Sheena will take up the place.

Please could you get your entries in for the Kay Clarke gala and also volunteer for a job if you are able to.

News from 14th October 2016

Eleanor Tudor completed 50m for her badge and certificate.

William Newton swam 800m for his badge and certificate.

Zac Daffern completed his National Plan Stage 2.

Chloe Lawrence worked her way through National Plan Stages 1, 2 and 3.

Congratulations to all.

There will be a raffle at our gala on 3rd December if anyone has any unwanted gifts or suitable prizes that they wish to donate.