A Thank You From Sheila

Thank you to everyone for the surprise bouquet of flowers and card. I didn’t know that anyone knew that it was my 70th. Apologies to all the seniors who were not able to swim because the main pool had to be closed for cleaning as we arrived on 12th August.



Tour De France Sweepstake Results

Movistar won the team race in the Tour de France.  Chris Haydon and Sally-Ann Tully share the prize money. A total of £17 was raised for club funds. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets.

News from 22nd July 2016

Congratulations to Ashby Owen who has been awarded her Discovery Duckling 1 Certificate. On Friday 29th there will just be a casual swim for all because of staff holidays. Lanes will be set out as usual and swimmers who want a training session shoud contact their lane coach. We will be back to normal the following week with a new helper called Ammal.

News from 8th July 2016

Congratulations to Eleanor Tudor who swam 25m and Aidan Tully who swam 200m to gain their distance certificates and badges.

News from 1st July 2016

Charlie Couper completed Discovery Duckling Levels 1 and 2.

Drew O’Connor completed 261m in a 10 minute stamina teat for his certificate.

Eleanor Tudor swam 10m for her distance badge and certificate.

Well done to everyone!

Tour De France Sweepstake 2016 Draw

Here is the draw for the Tour De France 2016 Sweepstake. Good luck everyone!

Tour de France draw sheet 2016

Disability Family Fun Day


Well Done William!

William Newton swam 295m for a new 10 Minute Stamina Test Certificate on 24th June 2016. Well done!


Webb Ivory Spring/Summer 2016

A total of £40.47 was raised for club funds from the Webb Ivory 2016 Spring/Summer Catalogue. Many thanks to everyone who placed an order. The Christmas 2016 Catalogue will be available soon!

EasyFundraising News

Between January and March 2016, £16.73 was raised for club funds through EasyFundraising. Thank you to everyone who helped us to raise this.