Tour De France Sweepstake 2016

Here are the Tour De France 2016 Sweepstake tickets, riders and instructions.

The 2016 (103rd) Tour de France Sweepstake Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club is running a sweepstake on the winning team in the Tour de France.
Tickets are available to purchase for £1 for each attempt from the club or can be downloaded from the club website Completed tickets should be returned to Sheila Carey or Barbara Lanwarne before 1st July when the draw will be made. Each ticket will draw one of the 22 teams randomly.
The draw will be published on the web site before the racing commences with the first stage from Mont St. Michel to Utah Beach on 2nd July.
It is then possible to follow the progress of the teams until the final sprint on the Paris Champs-Élysées on 24th July.
This should make an interesting three weeks for a minimum of just a £1 entry! Best of all you are helping to support the swimming club each time you buy or sell a ticket. Please note there is no limit to the number of tickets that one person can purchase.

The 2016 Tour de France Sweepstake

Tour de France tickets 2016


News from 3rd June 2016

Gurvinder Garcha and Clifton Hall completed 400m for badges and certificates on 3rd June 2016. Well done to both.

News from 27/05/16

Congratulations to Hardip Kaur Garcha, who swam 200 metres for an adult swimming certificate on 27th May 2016.

Tamworth Gala 2016 Results

Here are the results from the gala and a new ranking list (used primarily for relay selection)

14 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze and 4 Speeding tickets. Our relay teams were 4th despite some of our fastest swimmers not attending. Great swimming! Well done everyone!

Results 2016

Swimmer speed rankings May 2016

Gala Results 2016 (Full Results from organisers at Tamworth)

Amendments to results:

Daniel Hodge 50m Freestyle Bronze Medal (not silver as stated on results)

Aidan Tully   50m Freestyle a speeding ticket was not awarded (as stated on results)


News from 20th May 2016

Great to hear JD and Roisin on Free Radio singing a tweet to wish our club good luck at Tamworth. Thank you to the sender.

News from 13th May 2016

Cole Lyson completed a 1 mile distance swim and Ahmed Saidani 1000m on 13th May. Well done!

Tamworth Gala on Saturday 21st May starts at 6.30pm. Swimmers need to report by 5.45pm.

News from 29th April 2016

Congratulations to some of our junior swimmers who worked very hard for their distance awards on 29th April

Aidan Tully 100 metres

William Newton 400 metres

Ryan Fulleylove 800 metres.

News from 8th April 2016

Congratulations to Maddie Lawley on gaining a certificate for swimming 10m with buoyancy aids.



News from 1st April 2016

William Newton (255m), Ryan Fulleylove (313m) and Cole Lyson (517m) all improved their distances in a 10 minute stamina swim on 1st April 2016. Well done to all.

Well done Aidan and William!

Congratulations to Aidan Tully and William Newton who have completed their National Plan Stage 4 on 18th March 2016.