EasyFundraising News

Between October to December 2015, a total of £65.10 was raised for club funds, through EasyFundraising. Thank you everyone, our biggest total raised in a quarter so far! Our grand total now stands at £538.54.

For more information about EasyFundraising and how you can support us, please click here:



No Swim Session On 25/03/16 (Good Friday)

Bedworth Pool is closing at 4pm on Good Friday, 25th March 2016. Therefore, there will be no swim session that week.

Well done Joe!

Congratulations to Joe Mainwaring who swam 50m for his badge and certificate on 4th March.

Unfortunately Joe has lost his badge. If anyone has found it, or picked it up in error, could they please let us know. Thank you.


News from 26/02/16

Congratulations to Ryan Fulleylove and Leanne Gardner who achieved pb distances in a 10 minute stamina swim. Ryan swam 275m and Leanne swam 254m.

The club has entered 19 swimmers for the Tamworth Gala.

News from 12/02/16

Congratulations to Zac Daffern who gained his I Can Swim certificate for swimming unaided. Well done also to Cole Lyson who swam 482m in his 10 Minute test.

There are currently only 10 entries for the Tamworth Gala on 21st May. Last year there were 20 entries. This is a 40th Anniversary Special and we need a few more swimmers to give everyone a swim in a relay. Let Sheila know asap if you would like to swim.

The pool hoist should be repaired by next week as they are expecting a deivery of the part on order.


News From 05/02/16

Congratulations to the following on gaining distance awards on 5th February 2016:

Drew O’Connor      200m

Leanne Gardner    400m


The following swimmers completed personal best 10 minute tests:

William Newton   205m

Ahmed Saidani    240m


Entries close next Friday for the Tamworth Gala and the following swimmers have entered:

Under 11   William and Leanne

12-16        Aidan and Drew

17-24        Daniel


If you would like to join the team please download a form and hand it in on Friday.

Swimmer’s entry 2016


Pool Hoist Is Broken 04/02/16

Sheila has just received a call from the leisure centre to say that the pool hoist is broken. They are hoping it will be repaired and up and running by tomorrow night, but we just wanted to let you know, in case anyone needs to use it.

News from 29th January 2016

Congratulations to the following swimmers who were successful in the following:

Matthew Buckler 50m badge and certificate

Aidan Tully National Plan Stage 3

Leanne Gardner National Plan Stage 5

29th January 2016


Woodlarks Camp 21st-28th May 2016

We have received this letter from NASCH regarding the Woodlarks Camp on 21at to 28th May 2016. Applications for places on the camp and deposits have to be returned by 25th February 2016. Marie Clarke has the application form for our club.


Woodlarks Camp


News from 22nd January 2016


On 22nd January Aidan Tully completed his National Plan Stage 2 and Cole Lyson completed Stage 8. Zac Daffern was presented with his club T shirt that he qualified for many moons ago. He still has a lot of growing to do before it will fit but it will be a useful cover all if he swims in a gala.