Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2015

Many thanks to everyone who placed an order in the Webb Ivory 2015 Christmas Catalogue. We raised a total of £161.78 for club funds, more than doubling last years total and is our biggest total raised with the catalogue by far. The Spring and Summer 2016 Catalogue is out now, and Marie should have copies available for you to look at in the next couple of weeks. Thank you!

Tamworth Gala 2016

The Tamworth Gala is being held on Saturday 21st May, at The Peaks Leisure Centre. It will be the 40th Anniversary one and the club has reverted to the previous format of 25m and 50m races. There are also 5 age groups this year instead of 3. Entry Forms to be returned to Sheila Carey, no later than 12th February please.

Swimmer’s entry 2016


NASCH Results Letter

We have received this letter from John Bentley at NASCH, regarding the results of the NASCH Gala.

NASCH Results letter



News from 8th January 2016

Congratulations to Aidan Tully on completing his National Plan Level 1 on 8th January 2016.


Disability Play Sessions


News from 18th December 2015

Well done to Emily Robbins who earned a Good Work Certificate on 18th December.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.


Disability and Special needs monthly event at Bermuda soft playcentre

Hi all

Following on from the very successful event NBLT put on at Bermuda Adventure Soft play Centre for Children in Need in November 2015, we are really pleased to announce that NBLT are able to start  monthly Disability and Special Needs sessions at Bermuda Soft play centre starting in January on the last Friday of every month.  This session will be open to children with a disability or special needs and their siblings(Under the age of 18.) The first 8 dates are listed below:

29th January

26th February

1st April*( due to Easter)

29th April

27th May

24th June

29th July

26th August

Each session will run from 6.00 – 7.30pm and will cost £4.00 per session. The sessions will include 1.5 hrs in the soft play centre plus some supervised activities every month such as face painting and games etc…(*parents will need to supervise children in the play frame)

If you are interested in booking a space for any of these sessions you can book via email or one of my phone numbers below. Alternatively you can call Bermuda Adventure soft play centre(02476400584) or the Youth, community and schools team(02476400586) from 11TH January 2016.

 Thank you


Hayley Murray

Disability Inclusion Sports Co-ordinator/ Community Sports Coach

Nuneaton & Bedworth Leisure Trust

024 76 400 587



92A Wheat Street


CV11 4BH

Follow us on Twitter! @NBYCST

News From 11th December 2015

Congratulations to three swimmers who completed distance awards on 11th December:

Aidan Tully        50m

Drew O’Connor   100m

William Newton  200m

Congratulations to Sheena Baird on her nomination for Swimming Teacher of the Year at the Pingles.

At the Christmas Party certificates were given out to swimmers who took part in the Kay Clarke Gala.

There were also certificates for

Caroline Williams              Volunteering in 2015

Bethany Kelly                   Volunteering in 2015

Joy Day                           Promoting the club in 2015

Marie Clarke                     Fundraising in 2015


Special awards went to

Mark Day                             NASCH Gala

Cole Lyson                           NASCH Gala


Trophies were presented to

William Newton               The Lions Club Gala Trophy

Aidan Tully                     Kevin Whitmore Junior Achievement Trophy

Ahmed Saidani                Colin Bunn Senior Achievement Trophy


And finally, to the delight of all the children, Santa dropped in to give out some early presents.

It was very kind of him.

There are a few photos in the gallery.

There is a swim next week (18th December) and then a break until 8th Januray.

Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year.

Santa’s Mile


Kay Clarke Invitation Gala Results

Below are the results and records, from The Kay Clarke Invitation Gala on 5th December 2015.  Our club results are highlighted.  Well done to all swimmers and a huge thank you to all the volunteers.

RESULTS 2015 Club copy

Records 2015

The raffle raised a fantastic £133.00 for club funds.  The raffle prize list is below.

Raffle prizes will be at the party to collect. Please bring your tickets with you.

Raffle 1

Raffle 2

Extracted Results Kay Clarke Memorial Gala 2015

Swimmer speed rankings Dec 2015