Webb Ivory 2014

Many thanks to everyone who bought something from the Webb Ivory Catalogues in 2014, in support of Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club. Here is our certificate of merit for being a top fundraiser for the year!


Well done Leanne

Well done to Leanne Gardner who swam 200m for her badge and certificate on 16th January. 

Congratulations Thomas

Congratulations to Thomas Slater on completion of his 1 mile distance swim badge on 2nd January. The first award in 2015.

Happy New Year everyone. 


The following certificates can be collected from Barbara:


Volunteer certificates

Simon Godfrey

Jenny Wilkins


Gala certificates


Karen Finnegan

Clifton Hall

Lisa Haydon

Aaron Peters

Julie Ryan


There are uncollected raffle prizes in the cupboard. Please check your tickets.


Green 474  Terry’s All Gold

Blue    412   Cycle bag

White 287  Black Suede Aftershave

Blue    416  Intense Eau de Toilette


Sheila ia still collecting trophies for engraving (club trophies and NASCH trophies).


Updated Gala Results, Presentation Evening and Latest News from 12/12/14

Here are the updated Gala Results from the BDSC Championships 2014. Well done everyone.


Certificates and thank you gifts were presented to volunteers at the party. Certificates from the Kay Clarke gala were also presented.

The winners of the annual trophies for 2014 were:

The Lions Club Gala Trophy          Drew O’Connor

The Colin Bunn Trophy                  Sonia Kelly

The Kevin Whitmore Trophy      William Newton

Photographs will appear on the website in due course, keep checking!!

Please could all 2014 trophy winners, including the 7 from the NASCH gala please return their trophies for engraving asap after Christmas.

Swimming is on as usual next week 19th December, but there will be no swim on December 26th. The first swim of 2015 will be on 2nd January. There may be less staff and volunteers on these two dates and so be prepared for a casual swim. Also make sure that all under 8s and non-swimmers have an adult in the water with them.




Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2014

Many thanks to everyone who has ordered items out of the Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2014. We have raised a total of £71.75 for club funds, exceeding last years total. Thank you!

BDSC Main Pool Gala Results 2014

Here are the results for the BDSC annual gala, in the main pool from 05/12/14. Well done everyone.

2014 results

Updated swimmer speed rankings

Swimmer speed rankings Dec 14 (1)

The small pool gala is next week before the party. Reminder to bring some food.


BDSC Championships

Club main pool championships this week folks.

Lanes will be used for competition. All other swimmers to use free swim area (lanes 5 and 6).

Small pool next week (12th ).

Thomas, Lisa and Leanne please could you return your trophies?

News from 28th November 2014

On 28th November, Thomas Slater received his certificate for a new club sprint record achieved in the Kay Clarke Gala. Well done!


Christmas Party 2014

Christmas Party Poster