News from 31st October 2014

Congratulations to the following swimmers who were awarded certificates on 31st October 2014:

William Newton              Good Work Certificate

Ashley Campbell Barker   National Plan Level 5

Lisa Haydon                  National Plan Level 5

Attached is the relay selection for our gala on 22nd November.

A provisional programme will be on the noticeboard next week.

Relay teams

Latest News from 24/10/14

Jarvis Belford swam 50m for his badge and certificate on 24th October 2014.

Good luck to our team representing Region 8 in the NASCH Finals Gala at Newlold Comyn in Leamington on Saturday, 1st November. Thank you to Sonia Kelly for taking up her place as  substitute for the injured Tracey Slater. The gala is due to start at 1.00pm with a warm up at 12.30pm. The juniors normally swim first with the seniors starting at about 2.00pm. However, the times are not yet confirmed (the letter said late October!). When they are, all swimmers will be given these final details.

We have a team of 21 swimmers for our gala on the 22nd November.

Latest News from 17th October 2014

Congratulations to the following swimmers on completion of their awards


William Newton     25m Distance badge and certificate

William Newton     National Plan Level 1 Certificate

Leanne Gardner     National Plan Level 3 Certificate

Mark Day               National Plan Level 5 Certificate

Thomas Slater       National Plan Level 7 Certificate


Gala Update

Tamworth Unicorns and Leicester Kingfishers have both entered teams into our gala. The closing date is 22nd October.

NASCH Gala Appeal

Chris Lanwarne is unable to make the NASCH Gala on 1st November, so we need another senior man to join the team. Is there anyone who is able to take his place? They would need to be aged 17 and over (senior male category). As Chris cannot make it, we have no men’s relay team at the moment. Ladies and juniors are not allowed to substitute, it has to be a senior man. Any offers? Please speak to Sheila. Thank you.

NASCH Finals Gala 1st November 2014

Good news!!

Our club has been asked if we could complete the team for the NASCH Finals Gala on 1st November at Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre in Leamington.

Subject to availability the complete team will be entered (as attached).

NASCH Gala 2014 Team list


Latest News

Thank you to Stanley Poacher-Smith for the chocolates.

A reminder that we are collecting entries for the gala and raffle prizes (being held on 22nd November.)

News from 19th September

On 19th September Mark Day improved his 10 minute stamina swim, completing 350m and Gurvinder Garcha improved to 300m both for new certificates. Well done to all swimmers


Well done Drew!

Drew O’Connor swam 25m for his badge and certificate on 19th September. Well done!

Kay Clarke Memorial Gala

The Kay Clarke Memorial Gala has been rescheduled for Saturday 22nd November 2014 at 4.30pm, at Bedworth Leisure Centre. The closing date for swimmers entry forms is 22nd October. The entry fee is £2.00 per swimmer. We will update the website with more details as we know them. If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering and helping us out on the day, (expenses paid) please speak to Sheila Carey. We look forward to seeing you there!

Swimmer’s entry

Latest News

William Newton and Joe Mainwaring swam 10m for their certificates and badges on 12th September. Oliver Doughty swam 25m. Congratulations to all.
Aaron Peters is now representing the region in the NASCH gala on 1st November, in Leamington, as unfortunately, Gurvinder unable to attend. Good luck to all of our swimmers taking part!