Tour De France Sweepstake Draw 2014

Here is the draw for the Tour De France Sweepstake 2014. The draw took place on 27/06/14. Good luck everyone!

Draw 2014

News from 20th June 2014

Welcome back Simon! Simon has finished at Keele University and is waiting for his final results.
Zac Daffern completed his NASCH 3 Badge and Gurvinder Garcha got a Good Work certificate. Well done to both swimmers.

News from 13th June 2014

Congratulations to Mark Day who swam 1 mile for his badge and certificate.  Joe Mainwaring swam 5m for his badge and certificate. Well done to both of you!

On Your Bike – Tour De France Sweepstake 2014

ON YOUR BIKE —– We are running a sweepstake on the tour de france in aid of club funds, if you would like to help support our club and have a bit of fun at the same time . £1 GETS YOU A TEAM TO FOLLOW THROUGH OUT THE RACE . And if your team wins the whole race you will recieve a share of the jackpot . please look out for the BIKE HELMET on friday night either by reception or by the pool. Further details can be found on the sweepstake ticket below.

The Tour de France Sweepstake

Tour de France tickets 2014




Webb Ivory Spring/Summer 2014

The Spring and Summer Webb Ivory Catalogue has raised a total of £18.40 for club funds. Many thanks to everyone who placed an order. The Christmas 2014 catalogue should be here by the end of June!

News from 6th June 2014

Zac Daffern was awarded his NASCH 2 badge on 6th June.

Mark Day swam 1350 metres in a distance swim. Start earlier and you will get to 1 mile next time Mark!

Paul McKillop was awarded a “Good Work” certificate.

Well done to you all.

EasyFundraising News

Between January-March 2014, we raised a total of £28.16 for club funds by using EasyFundraising. Huge thanks to everyone who helped us to raise this.

Swimmer Speed Rankings Update May 2014

Here are the updated swimmer speed rankings updated in May 2014

Swimmer speed rankings May 14 (PDF)

Swimmer speed rankings May 14 (Word)

Tamworth Gala 2014 Results

Here are the results from the Tamworth Gala on 17th May 2014. In summary our team won 7 Bronze Medals, 15 Silver Medals, 7 Gold Medals, 15 Personal Bests and one speeding ticket. Well Done to all of our swimmers!

Results 2014 (PDF)

Results 2014 (Word)


BDSC AGM Minutes from 16th May 2014

Please see below the minutes of the swimming club AGM, held on Friday 16th May 2014

Minutes of AGM 2014