News From 17th November 2023

Reminder that all 3 club trophies and the NASCH trophies need to be handed in for engraving either next week or 1st December.
Please could whoever borrowed a pair of goggles return them next week.

News From 10th November 2023

Well done to Sam Lamb, Aidan Tully, Chloe Lawrence, Amos McGrattan, Faith Bevan, Jay Ellis and Della Rose who all set new distances in a 10 Minute Timed Swim.
Thank you to members who have made donations to club funds instead of a sponsored swim.
All club trophies and NASCH trophies need to be handed in to me (Sheila) by or on 1st December in order for them to be engraved and returned in time for the presentation and party on 15th.

News From 3rd November 2023

It was the last day of swimming for Marsha Marshall, who is moving to Nottingham. She has been an enthusiastic member of our club and squad team. We are sad to see her go, but wish her lots of success and happiness in the future.

Christmas Party Friday 15th December 2023

Presentation Evening and Christmas Party in the cafe.
Friday 15 December 2023.
8.15pm – 9.00pm.
Open to all members and carers.
Please bring a plate of food.

Christmas Party Poster 2023


Sponsored Swim Night Friday 8th December

The club’s sponsored swim will raise money for club funds (Certificates and Badges, Insurance, Medals, Christmas Party etc).
All sponsored swimmers will have some- one to count lengths / verify distance.
Please take a sponsor form. You are welcome to sponsor yourself if you do not wish to collect sponsors.

Sponsored Swim Poster

NASCH Gala information for Saturday


Good luck to all swimming at Leamington. Note that the time has been changed again to 12.00 for
12.30pm start. The postcode on the website is not correct and takes you to the wrong side of the golf course. Turn left at the traffic lights in Willes road (brown sign) into Newbold Terrace East Postcode CV32 4EY will take you almost all the way – just
continue for another 200m or so.

News From 27th October 2023

Congratulations to Ellie-Mae Whitehead who swam 10m for a badge and certificate and Faith Bevan who completed 20 lengths (500m) for an hour’s swim certificate.
Josh Bailey, Matthew Lewis, Gurvinder Garcha, Beth Evans, Sam Lamb, Chloe Lawrence, Marsha Marshall and Daniel Hodge all set best times for 400m freestyle.

News From 20th October 2023

Congratulations to Amos McGrattan who swam 1325m in a one hour session, picking up his 800m and 1000m distance awards on the way.

Many swimmers improved their 25m times during gala practice this evening.

Welcome to new member William Russell.

Good luck to all the swimmers selected to represent Region 8 in the National Finals on 4th November at Newbold Comyn, Leamington Spa. Spectators are welcome. The team list is attached. Only one swimmer from each region is allowed in each race. If anyone becomes ill or unavailable I need to know immediately in order to give another swimmer the chance to compete.

There will be an opportunity for all swimmers to race in our club sprint champioships on 1st December.

The 8th December will be a sponsored swim night to raise funds for the Christams Party on 15th DecemberA sponsor form is attached.

Save the dates!


Sponsored swim form

Sponsored swim form







News From 13th October 2023

Lily Whitehead and Ibby Jamil completed their National Plan Stage 1.
Ella Newitt and Kacie Mitchell completed their Water Safety Level 1.
Well done to all.
In the main pool swimmers are busy preparing for up-coming galas.
For the diary
Club championships Friday 1st December.

Change to NASCH Gala start time

The NASCH gala start time has been changed to 12.30pm first race. All competitors to report by 12noon at the latest please.
