Swimming Session News

There will be no swim session on Friday 28/03/14. From the following week on Friday 4th April, our swimming sessions will be back at Bedworth Leisure Centre, as we have been informed that the pool will be open again. We look forward to seeing you there!

Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum Awards

Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club is the proud winner of Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum 2013 Disabled Award. The award was collected on behalf of the club by Sonia Kelly, Helen Field, Mark Day, Joy Day and Marie Clarke, at the Civic Hall on 28th February. Well done to all of our members.

The article below is from Nuneaton News 5th March 2014.



Between 1st October-31st December 2013, we raised a total of £36.39 for club funds, through the EasyFundraising site.  Thanks to everyone who helped us to raise this, bringing our grand total of funds raised on the site to a fantastic £242.74!

More information about how the site works and how you can help us to raise more much needed funds, can be found in this short video:


Tamworth Gala 17th May 2014

Please find below entry forms for the Tamworth Gala at ‘The Peaks Leisure Centre’ on Saturday,17th May, 2014  (report time 5.15pm—5.30pm—finish time 8.00pm).

Completed forms to Sheila by Friday, 4th April. No late entries.

Swimmer’s entry (Word)

Swimmer’s entry (PDF)


No Swim on 21/02/14

There will be no swimming on Friday 21st February 2014, as Foxford School is closed for half term. Please check the website for details about 28th February.

Swimming at Foxford

There will be a swim at Foxford School this Friday 14th February, 6pm-7pm. The changing rooms will be the same as last week, with the ladies in the ladies and the men in the men’s changing room.

The following week on Friday 21st February, there will be no swim, as the pool will be closed for half term.

Please check the website again for details about Friday 28th February.

Swimming arrangements at Foxford School on 07/02/14

There will be a swim at Foxford School on Friday 7th February, at the usual time of 6pm-7pm. Daniel and Megan will be lifeguarding. The changing will not need to be reversed and so it will be possible to change before 6.00pm.

Swimming at Foxford School

Just to let everyone know, there will be a swimming session at Foxford School, this Friday, 31st January at the usual time of 6pm-7pm.

Webb Ivory Fundraising


Huge thanks to everyone who bought something from the Webb Ivory catalogues last year, in aid of Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club. Not only did it help us to raise some much needed funds, (£59.61 was raised from our Christmas 2013 book), we have been awarded a Fundraising Certificate of Merit, for being one of Webb Ivory’s top fundraisers of the year. So thank you!


Foxford Swimming

Thanks to everyone who helped out at our first swim at Foxford School on 17th January.

Swimming will be at Foxford again on 24th January.

Please would the ladies use the mens changing room and the men the ladies.

 31st January – please check website for information

There will be no swim on Friday 21st February as it is half term and the school will be closed.