Hinckley Gala

Congratulations to all team members who represented the club at the Hinckley Gala. We collected a magnificent total of 17 1st place trophies, 9 2nd trophies, 4 3rd place trophies and silver medals in two relays. Full results when we get them.

Hinckley Gala Information and News from 06/12/13

To all gala competitors

This message has arrived form the organisers:

A reminder that registration is from 11:30am and should be in the main hall of the leisure centre.

If you know of any no shows prior to the day please let me know.

Warm up will be at 12:30pm, please try and avoid being on poolside before then as the leisure centre have lesson in the pool until then.

First event will be as close to 1pm as I can make it!!

Due to time constraints we will be running the gala without any major interval and the raft race will take place at the end prior to the presentations.

 For those who have not been before the post code for the Leisure Centre is LE100JR


Please note that I may not arrive until after 12.30pm.

If I am not there by 12.15pm please could you register yourselves at the desk.  Sheila

Club News

On 6th December Stanley Smith-Poacher and Tom Powis were awarded their club T shirts in recognition of their regular attendance.

REMINDER – No swimming next week (13th) POOL CLOSED.

Swim, Santa and raffle is on 20th December.

Bedworth Leisure Centre will be closed from 24th December until 2nd January. Therefore there will be no swimming on 27th December.



Hinckley Gala Relay Teams

Please find below a list of relay teams for the Hinckley Gala. All those who requested relay entries have at least one and a list will be published before the day so that everyone knows what they are swimming.

In total we have a total of 16 people entered into the gala to swim on our team.

Hinckley Gala Relay Teams 2013

Relay teams 2013









News from 22/11/13 and Christmas Party Details

Well done to Daniels Hodge who swam 205m  in a 10 minute stamina test.
Barbara and Chris returned this week. Barbara lost both her parents in a short space of time – and Chris his grandparents. Our thoughts are with them at such a difficult time.
For the diary
Swim, Santa and raffle on 20th December. Raffle prizes to Barbara. Please could everyone try to sell some tickets.
Friday 29th November is the very last day for Hinckley Gala entries. We have 10 entries to date with another 4 on the way.

NASCH Finals Gala Results 2013

Here are the NASCH Finals Results 2013. Well done to everyone who took part.

NASCH Finals 2013 Results


News from 08/11/13

Leanne Gardner, Mark Day and Ashley Campbell-Barker set new distances for their 10 Minute Stamina Tests. Thomas Slater equalled his distance of 450m. Well done to you all.
Christmas Party
We are trying to find a date for our Christmas Party that would be suitable for as many members as possible. Our options are 6th December or 20th December as the pool will be closed on 13th December. Alternatively, we could have our presentation night in the new year. We would appreciate your thoughts/feedback. on this.Thank you!


We have raised a total of £31.86 through EasyFundraising between 1st July-31st October 2013. This brings the amount we have raised, to a grand total of £201.71, passing the £200 mark. Huge thanks to everyone who has helped us to raise this amount.

If you are planning to do any online Christmas Shopping this year, don’t forget that you can help us to raise even more, by shopping through EasyFundraising. You can find out more details here:


Thank you!

NASCH Finals Gala 02/11/13

We had great success at our first NASCH finals for many years. Despite the fact that Grantham Lynx failed to arrive and we had no junior girls section, our Group 8 finished 4th overall with lots of individual success.

In the Junior Section Peter Markham won a gold medal and the Kingfisher Trophy in his own 50m event. He went on to sustitute for Ashley Cambell-Barker at very short notice, quite amazingly swimming close to Ashley’s slower entry time and took a bronze medal. Thomas Slater swam an excellent race to win the NASCH Trophy and gold medal for the 100m.

In the Senior Section, Julie Ryan won bronze in the 50m, Lisa Haydon and Chris Hubbard won silver in the 25m and the Men’s Relay (Chris Lanwarne, Chris Hubbard and Mark Day) won bronze.

Mark Day won his 100m, but swam too fast and was re-positioned for “speeding” and got a pb. Tracey Slater was substituting for ‘flu victim Karen Finnegan and did well to qualify for the final swimming to Karen’s entry time.

Thanks to Pete Carey and Sheena Baird for timekeeping duties.

There are photos but I am requesting permission from the swimmers to add them to the album.

Sheila Carey

Team Manager


In Other News:

The pool will be closed on 13th December as it  is the pool staff’s night out. They are a great team of people and they deserve a Christmas celebration. We will have to decide on a date for the Christmas party – suggestions to Barbara.

Very many congratulations to Bethany Kelly on receiving her St. John Ambulance Young Achiever Award on Wednesday, 30th October. It was presented by the Princess Royal, Princess Anne. Lots of pictures on Facebook.



News from 1st November 2013

Congratulations to Emily Robbins on completing her 50m swim for a badge and certificate.
Good luck to our swimmers who are representing the area in the NASCH gala at Leamington tomorrow.
Entry forms for the Hinckley gala are on the website or available from Sheila or Barbara.

Hinckley Gala 8th December 2013

Please find attached, the entry form for the Hinckley Gala 2013.  It is at Hinckley Leisure on Sunday, 8th December. (Report time 12pm, warm up 12.30pm)

Entry fee of £1.00 per individual event (Maximum 3) with form please

Completed forms to Sheila by Friday, November 29th. No late entries.

Swimmer’s entry

Thank you!