Spring 2013 Newsletter

Attached is a copy of the Spring 2013 Newsletter, along with a copy of all the relevant forms for members to complete.


hoodie form bdsc



Junior Aquathon 23/06/13

There is a Junior Aquathon (swim and run) event at The Pingles on Saturday 23rd June at 9.30am. It is open to 8 – 16 year olds. Details can be found on the following link www.nbleisuretrust.org/aquathlon

News from 22/02/2013

Congratulations to Jamie Li on swimming 10m for his badge and certificate.
The following swimmers gained certicates for their 10 minute stamina tests:
Lisa Haydon    275m
Mark Day         285m
Amy Cooper    300m
Well done to you all.

News from 15th February 2013

Four year old Amelie Willson  was presented with her first NASCH badge on 15th February 2013.
Thomas Slater improved his 10 minute stamina swim score to 445m.
Congratulations to both swimmers.

Sponsor Form

If anyone would like to do a sponsored swim or event to help raise some funds for the club, you can download a sponsor form here:

BDSC Sponsor Form


News from 08/02/13

Gurvinder Garcha completed his ASA National Plan Stage 4.

Sponsored swim time approaches. Julie Ryan and Marie Clarke have already planned their swim. We ask all members to consider doing a swim. Remember your club is free and its existence depends on the goodwill of it’s members and their families. If you cannot swim please could you sponsor someone who can.
All good wishes to Emma Wilson who is getting married on 9th March.

Tamworth Gala 18/05/13

We have received details of the Tamworth Gala. It is to be held on Saturday, 18th May, 2013 at The Peaks Leisure Centre in Tamworth starting at 6.00pm. It is a sprint gala (25m Backstroke, 25m Breaststroke and/or 25m Freestyle plus a 4 x 25m sprint relay). There is also a width race for beginners only. This year there are three age groups up to 16, 17 – 34, 35 and over. The entry fee is £2 per competitor).
Entry form attached (new system as we have never yet managed to collect everyone’s money for a gala).

Donation from Asda

Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club has been awarded a £200 donation from Asda. We would like to thank Asda for their very kind donation, which will go towards the running costs of the club. Thanks also go to Clive for applying for the donation and to Barbara for collecting the cheque on behalf of the club.

National Plan Certificates

Congratulations to the following swimmers who have achieved National Plan certificates.
Martelle Swinton                Level 2
Clifton Hall                         Level 2
Lisa Haydon                      Level 4
Mark Day                           Level 4
Ashley Campbell-Barker   Level 4
Congratulations also go to Jamie Li who has his first ASA distance badge and certificate for completing 5m swim.

A thank you to the Bedworth Leisure Centre Staff

Sonia Kelly presenting Bedworth Leisure Centre staff with some flowers and chocolates, as a thank you for the amazing job that they do.
