Latest News

Congratulations to Jean Noonan who has passed her teaching Aquatics Level 1 course.
Thank you to members who have contributed items for the gala tombola. Barbara is collecting them but they can be given to any of the staff.
Any offers of help on the 23rd September are really welcome. Names to Sheila please.

News From 11th August 2023

Welcome to new member Alice Reed-Ronan, who completed National Plan Stage 1 on her first attendance.
Thank you to Phoebe for looking after Della who had a fall on the way to the pool.
Squad swimmers, please bring clothing next week for survival swimming.

Tombola Prizes for 23rd September 2023

We will be holding a tombola at The Kay Clarke Gala on 23rd September 2023. If anyone has any prizes that they would like to donate, please pass them onto Barbara, during the swim session on a Friday evening. All proceeds will go to club funds. Many thanks.

News From 21st July 2023

It was good to meet Lucy Wilkes from Think Active who joined us for our session this week.
Well done to Marsha Marshall who swam 550m in the session for a new best and a certificate.
Faith Bevan set new best times for backstroke and breaststroke.
Welcome to new member Leon Rai.
Barbara is now collecting donations of items for the tombola at our sprint gala in September.

News From 7th July 2023

It was rather a busy session because the small pool was closed this evening due to a low water temperature.

Some swimmers managed personal bests in a time trial session.
Matthew Lewis     25m freestyle
Josh Bailey           25m breaststroke
Marsha Marshall 25m freestyle, 25m backstroke, 25m butterfly
Sam Lamb            25m freestyle, 25m breaststroke,  25m butterfly and 50m freestyle
Beth Evans           25m freestyle,  25m butterfly, 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle
Gurmeet Mudher and Della Rose were presented with club t-shirts for regular attendance.
Well done everyone.

Small pool closed 7/7/23

The pool has just let us know that the small pool is not open this evening 7th July 2023. Small pool swimmers can use the main pool if they are able.

News From 30th June 2023

Congratulations to Chloe Lawrence and Aiden Cope who achieved new distances in a 10 minute timed swim. Emily Robbins was awarded a Good Work certificate for swimming 24 lengths today. Well done Emily.

News From 23rd June 2023

News for 23rd June
Congratulations to Ella Newitt and Kacie Mitchell who have
completed Stage 3 of the National Plan for Swimming.
Welcome to new member Harlan Laing.
Please support our gala on 23rd September. You only need to be able to swim a length of the pool (any stroke). There are entry forms on the poolside noticeboard.

News From 16th June 2023

News for 16th June
Welcome to new members Elijah Marsden (Eli) and Aiden Cope. Eli completed his Water Safety Level 1 on his first attendance. Well done!
Congratulations to Kacie Rose Mitchell who swam 25m for her badge and certificate.
Jay Ellis, Faith Bevan and Della Rose all swam a continuous 200m for a certificate.
Special congratulations to Daniel Hodge who has reached 40 miles in his Swim Fit award.
Chloe Lawrence, Josh Bailey and Sam Lamb have entered the Dudley Olympics gala at Halesowen. If any swimmer wants to enter to complete a relay team I need to know immediately as the entries are about to close.

News From 9th June 2023

Congratulations to Della Rose who was awarded a well-deserved ‘Good Work’ certificate.
Jay Ellis swam 27 lengths (675 metres) in the one hour session and also set a new best time for 25m freestyle.
Also setting new best times were Sam Lamb (25m freestyle, 25m breaststroke, 50m freestyle and 50m breaststroke), Marsha Marshall (50m breaststroke) and Matthew  Lewis (50m breaststroke). Well done to all.
A reminder that entries close for the Dudley Olympics Gala at Halesowen quite soon. Last date to give in entries is next Friday, 16th June.