Important news

The pool will be closed on 18th December and therefore the Christmas party will be on the 11th. If anyone can sell raffle tickets or donate prizes for the raffle – we only have one week left!

The pool has informed us that after Christmas our time will be 7.00pm until 8.00pm. This is too late for many of our younger members and several parents have already phoned the council to complain. If this affects any of you as members you make want to take some action yourselves. We also need you to come to sessions so that we can let everyone know how many people use the club.

Latest badge results and November news

Well done to Elle-May Dempsey who got her 100 metre badge on 27th November and Robert Burr who got a special certificate for swimming 2 metres all on his own (underwater, but on his own!)

Two assistant teachers joined us for the first time, also on the 27th. Sue Smith and Karen Whinmill have helped many children to learn to swim at Exhall Grange. If they can spare the time to come on a regular basis, more of our swimmers will get a proper lesson or coaching.

Latest News

Lily Neil has raised another £15.20 for club funds. They must be very good cakes! Archie Neil completed his 200 metre badge on 23rd October 2009. Well done to you both.

Fundraising News

Lillian Neil has raised almost £20 for club funds by holding cake sales at her school. She celebrated by swimming 200 metres for her badge on 16th October. Double congratulations Lillian!

Hinckley Gala Medal List 03/10/09

3rd October 2009 Hinckley Gala Medal List  and provisional times – placings to follow

Victor Palmer, Masters, 25m Freestyle, 1.11.42, 50m Freestyle,  2.25.48

Marie Clarke, Senior, Silver 50m Backstroke, 1.59.33, Silver 50m Freestyle 1.25.39?, Silver 25m Backstroke, 58.70.

Emma Wilson, Intermediate, Silver 50m Backstroke, 1.03.20, Bronze 50m Freestyle (bs) 1.05.80, Gold 25m Backstroke 27.45 (pb).

Kieran Wilson, Intermediate, 25m Freestyle, 32.74, 50m Freestyle, 1.21.02 (pb), Bronze 25m Backstroke, 47.91.

Jadene Ellis, Youth, Gold 25m Freestyle 48.87(pb), Gold 25m Backstroke 48.84 (pb).

Thomas Slater, Youth, Silver 25m Freestyle (br) 28.45 (pb), Bronze 50m Freestyle 1.05.95 (pb), Bronze 25m Backstroke 39.16 (pb).

Joshua Brace, Youth, Gold 25m Freestyle 19.70 (pb), Silver 50m Freestyle 45.09 (pb), Gold 25m Backstroke 30.43 (pb).

Ellis Ainslie-Huffer, Youth, 25m Freestyle 1.19.00 (pb), 50m Freesyle 2.43.89 (pb), 25m Backstroke 1.57.30 (pb).

Ashley Campbell-Barker Junior, Gold 25m Freestyle, Gold 50m Freestyle 2.21.71 (pb).

Swimming with Enterprise Club Coventry, Chris Lanwarne, Senior, Silver 25m Breaststroke 41.82, Bronze 25m Freestyle, 50m Freestyle 1.28.9

The 7 gold medals, 6 silver and 4 bronze adds up to a total of 17 ! 19 if we count Chris’s.

In addition the club contested all the relays and the raft race!

Very well done to all!

Latest News

Congratulations to Jadene Ellis who gained her 25 metre badge on 4th September. Well done Jadene, keep up the good work!

A record 14 members have entered the Hinckley Gala on 3rd October. If there are any further entries, please let Sheila know as soon as possible. Many thanks.

July 2009 News.

Daniel Hodge got his badge and certificate for swimming 10m on 24th July. Congratulations!

We said a sad farewell to Peter Wolffsohn and his family as they are moving to Birmingham. We wish them all well and they have promised to try to come back and see us.

The club will continue to operate throughout the holidays, although there may be fewer committee members than usual for some weeks. Please be patient if you need equipment or help.

Chris Lanwarne has produced a newsletter as we have quite a few new members. A copy of the newsletter should be available to read on the website soon.

Congratulations Peter!

Well done to Peter Wolffsohn who gained his final NASCH award, NASCH 5

Welcome Emma

Ex-member Emma Wilson has offered to help to teach the younger members to swim, continuing the work she has been doing as a post 16 student at Exhall Grange School. Thank you Emma, we look forward to seeing you at the club sessions.

Latest badge results

Well done to Shannon Hearne who swam 300 metres on 26th June for a 200 metre badge. On 3rd July Alan Potts swam 5 metres and gained a  badge. Congratulations to you both.