Sponsored Swim

We will soon be trying to raise some much needed funds for the swimming club by asking members if they would like to do a sponsored swim.  All the money raised goes towards the club expenses and helps to pay for things like more badges and equipment. It would be a great challenge for the summer holidays for any swimmer who has not done any fund raising in the last couple of years. Every penny counts! Sponsor forms are available from any of your committee, or can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

Sponsored Swim Form

Well done Alan!

Congratulations to Alan Potts who gained his “I Can Swim”  certificate on 19th June 2009. If any other swimmers would like to try for distance badges can they please ask within the next two weeks. After that we are hoping to raise some funds for the club by doing sponsored swims. More information is available in the next post. Thank you.

Distance awards achieved

Well done to our younger swimmers who are still busy completing distance awards. The latest successes (on 5th June) are: Harriet Potts 25 metres, Jordan Brace 50 metres, Lillian Neil 100 metres, Archie Neil 100 metres and Jordan Brace 1,000 metres. Congratulations everyone, keep up the good work!

Latest swimming badges

Thomas Slater completed 1200 metres to collect his badge and certificate for 800 metres and a certificate for 1200 metres. Older brother Ben, completed 1500 metres. Well done to both swimmers.

25 metre badges awarded.

Well done to Joseph Brookes and Katie Mae Potts who both gained their 25 metre badges on 15th May.

Latest Badges and Certificate News

Congratulations to:
– Daniel Hodge for gaining his 5 metre swim badge and certificate.
– Shannon Davidson and Peter Wolffsohn have both swum their first strokes unaided for the “I Can Swim” certificate.

Well done!

Hinckley Gala 2009

We have received an invitation to send a team of swimmers to the Hinckley Gala on 3rd October 2009. As yet we have not received the entry form, but we assume that it will be the same format as usual. More details will be available nearer the time and posted on the website. It’s a fun day so if you would like to swim for the Bedworth Team please put the date in your diary!

Sponsored Swim

Well done to James Askew who completed a 50 length sponsored swim on 10th April 2009 and raised a fantastic £87.00 for club funds. Many thanks James!

BDSC Sprint Gala Results March 2009

Small Pool Gala 20th March 2009

Gold Medal Winners:
Daniel Hodge 41.7, Peter Wolfshonn 66.0, Ella May Court 55.6.

Bronze Medal Winners:
Adam Smith, Jamie Browne, Elle-May Dempsey, Stacey Smith.

Helper (Certificate): 
Jacob Court 52.0.


Main Pool Gala 27th March 2009

Gold Medal                        Silver Medal                        Bronze Medal

Joshua Brace  24.1         Thomas Slater 28.8            James Askew 29.1

Kieran Wilson 32.2         Harry Potton 38.3              Archie Neil 44.6

Victor Palmer 65.5          Robert Goodman 80.0        Jordan Brace 59.3 DQ

Guest Certificates

Ben Slater 22.5

Lillian Neil 63.2

Katie Mae 71.9

The Bedworth Lions Trophy for the best performance of the competition (based on previous best performance) is awarded to Archie Neil. Well done to all swimmers.       




NASH badges awarded.

Congratulations to Peter Wolffsohn who has achieved his NASH3 badge and Daniel Hodge who has achieved his NASH5 badge. Well done to you both!